Make it stand out.
Beautiful and broken things have brought you right here, to this moment, to this place, where you can bear witness to your own magnificence and power.
Where the only judgment to be laid down on your alter is by your own honest heart, and where a forgiveness of the spirit is the remedy for your beautiful future.
What would happen if you allowed yourself to come face to face with your unbridled curiosity to explore the shadow journey in the underworld, knowing that it will slay open the very depths of your Soul?

What if I told you She would lead you?
The Cosmic Mother.
The Priestess.
The Medicine Woman.
The Healer.
The Gypsy.
The Goddess.
The Midwife.
The Wild Woman.
The Wise Woman.
The Maiden.
The Queen.
The Crone.
The Divine Feminine.
Dripping in love + saturated in sovereignty.
Hugging you in with patience + protection.
Teaching you the ways of reverence through wisdom and grounding you into the most healing medicine for yourself and all of humanity.
Would you heed the call?
I’m here to lead you on a journey but ultimately it’s YOUR WISDOM and YOUR MEDICINE that will take you back to yourself.